Explorer Unearths Mysterious Ancient Sculpture Worth Millions In Value
In the world of metal-detecting, where every beep and signal holds the promise of hidden treasures, there’s always eager anticipation for that one extraordinary find.
Well, that moment became a reality for one enthusiast in the form of a small, unassuming item with a story to tell. So prepare to be enthralled as we follow the exciting adventure of a treasure hunter who discovered a rare antique and the wave of excitement it has brought with it.
Treasure Hunt Near a Golf Course
In 2017, a metal-detecting enthusiast named Kevin Duckett had an exciting adventure at the Market Harborough Golf Club. He was investigating a new location in search of hidden gems.

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Kevin told The Harborough Mail about his experience, noting that it was his first trip there, and he opted to go alone for a test run. Eagerly hoping to uncover hidden treasures, Kevin ventured onto the unfamiliar territory that piqued his curiosity.
A Mysterious Discovery
As Kevin swept the area with his metal detector, he was taken aback by its sudden, intense buzzing. Intrigued, he approached the source for a closer look.

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He initially thought it was merely a piece of foil, but as he probed further, something spectacular struck his eye—the brilliant shine of gold. This was no ordinary foil; Kevin recounted the explosive rush of energy and exhilaration that rushed through his body as he realized this.
Beneath the Grassy Surface
In a shallow hole, hidden beneath a few inches of the grassy surface, Kevin made a remarkable discovery—a small statuette measuring only 2.5 inches in length.

Source: DrFrancisYoung/ Twitter
As he held it in his hands, he immediately recognized its weight and realized that it was crafted from pure gold. Little did he know the true value that lay within this diminutive treasure.
Curiosity Sets In
Realizing the worth of the treasure in his possession, Kevin Duckett began a quest for information. Over three years, he sent countless emails to experts, historians, and researchers nationwide, seeking information about the origin, age, and value of the tiny gold item he had found.

Source: iStock Photo
Kevin made no compromises in pursuing the truth behind the remarkable artifact he had discovered.
The Rare Treasure
During his research, Kevin found a video displaying a replica of the Tudor crown from Historic Royal Palaces. The original crown featured three statuettes of Christ, St. George, and the Virgin Mary.

Source: Wikimedia Commons
Henry VIII replaced the Christ images with the three English saints, including Henry VI. The sculpture Kevin discovered is said to be Henry VI as a saint.
The Journey to Hampton Court
With mounting excitement, Kevin Duckett realized that the modest jewel he had uncovered could be a missing component of the Tudor crown. So he set out on a tour to Hampton Court Palace, where a replica of the crown was on display.

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Kevin’s eyes widened with astonishment as he gazed upon the crown displayed within its protective case. He noticed an amazing likeness between his statuette and one of the crown figurines—it was as if he were looking at an identical twin.
How the Statuette May Have Survived
The very location where Kevin Duckett unearthed the treasure held a significant historical connection. Situated at the rear of the Market Harborough Golf Club, this area witnessed the bloodshed of the Battle of Naseby in 1645.

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Experts speculate that during Charles I’s escape, the figurine might have become detached or that he took measures to bury it for safekeeping.
A Discovery Worth Millions
Crafted from exquisite 24-carat gold, the statuette has undergone verification at the esteemed British Museum. A spokesperson from the museum confirmed that, as part of the necessary steps within the Treasure process, an expert examined the piece and determined its origins to date back to the late Middle Ages.

Source: Pexels
Remarkably, this find has been appraised with an estimated value of $2.7 million. This treasure holds immense historical and monetary significance.
An Unimaginable Find
Kevin Duckett is still awestruck by his incredible find. Even now, he can’t believe he found such a wonderful royal item in a common farmer’s field near Market Harborough.

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The enormity and implications of his discovery leave him in awe and astonishment. Reflecting on the journey that led him to find such a magnificent royal artifact, he expressed, “I can still hardly believe” the significance of his find.