This Airport Delayed Flights To Help A Weeping Soldier
Soldiers make tremendous personal sacrifices for their motherland. This story is extraordinary because of the sacrifices made by the community on behalf of a soldier. At an airport terminal, a soldier sobbed quietly. Passengers and airport employees saw it right away.
What had happened was visible on his phone. This haphazard group of strangers didn’t ignore it. Instead, they made the soldier feel better. You may view it on the subsequent slides.
Introducing Army Specialist Brooks Lindsey
Here we have Brooks and Haley Lindsey. They started dating in 2015 and fell for each other. Brooks’ decision to join the military had the full backing of Haley. The pair were married soon after Brooks’ enlistment in the military.

Source: Haley Fritz Anne Lindsey/Facebook
Since Brooks needed to report for training at Fort Bliss, Texas, the honeymooners had to say goodbye. As soon as he finished his training, he was scheduled to go on a nine-month tour of duty in Kuwait. But that wasn’t the only bit of information the pair found out.
Haley’s Had A Baby On The Way!
Haley’s pregnancy was an unexpected surprise for Brooks and Haley, who had just been married. She had been pregnant all along but didn’t know it until after the marriage. The new addition to their family brought the couple overwhelming delight.

Source: Haley Fritz Anne Lindsey/Facebook
The timeliness was the only issue, specifically because Brooks would be traveling to Texas on the scheduled day of delivery. The soldier had anticipated having to make certain sacrifices when he enlisted, and this would be the day he would be compelled to do so.
A Challenging Endeavor
Leaving his loved one behind was difficult, and he hadn’t bargained for exactly how tough the process would be, especially since they were expecting their first child and the gender turned out to be a girl.

Source: Haley Fritz Anne Lindsey/Facebook
It was during their last moments together before Brooks left that the couple chose the name Millie for their daughter. Then, leaving his wife, who was seven months along in her pregnancy, with a kiss and a promise to return for the birth of their daughter, the serviceman left on his military mission.
His Only Chance Of Witnessing The Delivery
The couple was aware that the majority of service members are denied permission to return home for the delivery of their kid. The only way for him to be granted a leave of absence was if he received permission from the Red Cross.

Source: Haley Fritz Anne Lindsey/Facebook
In the event that his wife was in a precarious situation, he would be able to secure that authorization. The couple was conscious that Brooks would most likely have to miss it due to the fact that his wife was progressing normally throughout her pregnancy.
Choosing A Positive Outlook
It was greatly upsetting for them to realize that Brooks would not be able to attend the delivery of their child, but they also realized that, in some ways, this was actually positive news. The only way for him to receive time off was if there were complications during the delivery, so the couple was quite thankful that their child was healthy.

Source: Haley Fritz Anne Lindsey/Facebook
While it wasn’t desirable, it was better than any pregnancy worries. So instead of complaining, they chose to be grateful.
Up next, a sudden change in direction.
Everything Shifted After A Trip To The Doctor
Haley’s pregnancy had been progressing well until a routine checkup revealed some disturbing news. Haley’s doctor ordered blood work straight away because her blood pressure was extremely high.

Source: Haley Fritz Anne Lindsey/Facebook
Haley proceeded home nervously, awaiting the results with bated breath. The couple had already expected that Brooks would not be there for the birth of their child, and they were content with the news provided that it indicated that the child was healthy. Now, unexpectedly, the situation was not what they had hoped for at all.
The Doctor’s Diagnosis
The doctor called Haley within an hour after she left the medical facility. So she didn’t have to wait long to find out the results. It was breaking news that Haley was in a dangerous preeclamptic state, which indicated that her hypertension was damaging her internal organs.

Source: Haley Fritz Anne Lindsey/Facebook
If Haley’s situation was already having physical effects on the baby, prompt medical attention was necessary. Haley was quickly convinced to return to the doctor for induction of labor after the speedy decision had been reached.
A Mix Of Ecstasy And Hysteria For The Couple
Haley immediately contacted Brooks, who was stunned to hear about the situation. His wife and child’s health were a prime concern, but he was relieved enough to have an excuse to come back home. So, Haley contacted the hotline for the Red Cross.

Source: Haley Fritz Anne Lindsey/Facebook
Moreover, she declared an emergency and gave details about the situation. She called her doctor, who verified her fears. The Red Cross now had enough information to dispatch Brooks on his way.
Read about how the pair faced obstacles coming their way.
Brooks’ Challenges In Going Back Home
Still, there were many challenges to overcome before he could return home. Unfortunately, Brooks’ earliest flight departure time he could secure was 10 a.m.

Source: Haley Fritz Anne Lindsey/Facebook
Additionally, it made a pit stop in Dallas. When he arrived in Dallas at 2 p.m. the following day, he was in for the biggest surprise of his life when he contacted his spouse, Haley, and discovered that she was already five centimeters dilated! The final leg of Brooks’ journey home was much more fraught than usual because it was pushed back by two hours.
This Pair Never Lost Their Sense Of Gratitude
Brooks’ flight wasn’t scheduled to land until 5:45, and by then, his daughter Millie would be about to be delivered. The couple was realistic about Brooks’ chances of being present for the birth, but they chose to focus on the positive.

Source: Haley Fritz Anne Lindsey/Facebook
Brooks would still have four days of leave to bond with his newborn. Haley, though, was not satisfied. With haste, she made a choice that would allow Brooks to be present for the birth of his daughter.
Next up, learn how the airport’s staff and passengers aided Brooks.
Every Moment Was Captured
The baby was due any minute now, and Haley made the spur-of-the-moment decision that Teresa, Brooks’ mother, and Haley’s stepmother should be present. At five o’clock, Brooks sat at the airport full of enthusiasm for his flight, which wasn’t scheduled to depart for another hour.

Source: Haley Fritz Anne Lindsey/Facebook
His mother, Teresa, filmed the arrival of his daughter as his wife, Haley, pushed to give birth, and she forwarded the footage to Brooks. As he saw his wife give birth to their child, he was filled with marvel and amazement the entire time.
All Eyes On Brooks
The closer Brooks got to his flight time, the more engrossed he grew with the video. As he witnessed his daughter on the verge of being born, he was overcome with emotion and began to cry.

Source: Haley Fritz Anne Lindsey/Facebook
He stayed on the phone and encouraged her the whole way. Amidst all the hubbub, an airport official was delivering a final announcement over the loudspeaker for his flight! Brooks would rather not delay his flight because of the difficulties he had already encountered on his journey home.
Boarding Was Held Off For Brooks
People on the plane wasted little time in coming to Brooks’ rescue. One employee intervened after they purposefully slowed down boarding. The physician then screamed into the phone, “Don’t let him board the flight! She’s here!”

Source: Vipin Kumar/Hindustan Times via Getty Images
It was boarding time when Brooks’ wife started to give birth. The serviceman struggled to decide between heading home or watching his baby’s birth. Despite the airport’s hectic schedule, Brooks was allowed to observe Millie’s full delivery before he boarded his flight.
Next, Brooks’ reaction upon first laying eyes on his daughter.
Applauding Millie’s First Cry
Brooks’ facial expression captures the shared enthusiasm of everyone at the airport. One traveler said shortly after hearing Millie’s first cry, everyone on the plane felt like they were part of one huge happy family.

Source: Haley Fritz Anne Lindsey/Facebook
A good number of the other passengers remained by Brooks’ side during the delivery of his daughter and joined him onto the plane when it was finally time to depart. The employees at the airport commented that the upbeat mood continued to permeate the premises even after Brooks had departed.
Someone Else Had Intervened To Assist Brooks
Do you recall the first time Brooks received a video call from his mom, Teresa, showing him the birth of his daughter? Teresa was concerned the whole time that she was in violation of hospital policy by taping the birth.

Source: Haley Fritz Anne Lindsey/Facebook
Although they were warned not to video by a second doctor, Teresa persisted and even tried to conceal her phone under her shirt. Eventually, Haley’s doctor caught on, and she totally got the situation and told her to keep shooting. When he felt ready, Brooks spoke up to reassure his wife.
He Finally Sees His Adorable Daughter
After everything Brooks had to go through up until this point, finally getting to hold Millie made it all worth it. Everyone concluded that it was advantageous that his flight was delayed by two hours, as he was able to witness something he couldn’t have in the air.

Source: Haley Fritz Anne Lindsey/Facebook
When Brooks eventually reached the hospital, they wanted to make the first encounter especially memorable, so Haley asked everyone to exit so they could focus on the important moment. This viewpoint reveals that Haley took the photo of her husband cuddling his little baby girl.
A Happy Family Indeed!
Both the daughter and her mom were lucky to have good health. Soon after delivering birth, Haley’s blood pressure began to drop to normal levels. Millie came two weeks early, but she was a healthy 7 pounds, 6 ounces, and 21 inches in length.

Source: Haley Fritz Anne Lindsey/Facebook
Many troops are not able to be with their wives after giving birth, so Brooks knew he was fortunate. He still couldn’t believe they recently had a beautiful baby and was in wonder, emotions that most new parents can understand.
One more shock was in store for them.
The Couple Obtained Much Support
The family awoke the next morning after Millie was born to find a slew of messages on Facebook. It appeared that one of the travelers had posted a video of the crying soldier along with an explanation regarding what had transpired. Within a few short days, the video went viral.

Source: Haley Fritz Anne Lindsey/Facebook
Gifts were sent to their hospital room by complete strangers, the staff congratulated Brooks for his sacrifices, and countless people expressed their remarks. A number of families who discovered that they were going through something comparable started seeking the couple’s advice.
They Convey the Struggles Faced by Soldiers
Brooks and Haley’s story touched many people because they could relate to the emotional toll that being separated from loved ones can take on soldiers. In spite of all of these challenges, the pair maintained their strength and utilized their reputation to spread positivity, which resulted in the community rallying behind them in support.

Source: Haley Fritz Anne Lindsey/Facebook
Despite Brooks’ absence, the family was able to keep in touch through video calls. Although it wasn’t the same as being together in person, it certainly helped them endure the long separation.
The Family Grows More Resilient As Days Go By
Finally, back at home, Brooks could see that Millie was flourishing into a robust child. When they saw each other again, they both beamed with happiness. After realizing his childhood dream of joining the military, Brooks found a new dream–being a dad.

Source: Haley Fritz Anne Lindsey/Facebook
Oftentimes service members miss not just the birth of a newborn but other important milestones such as anniversaries and birthdays. This narrative shows that the communities these soldiers protect do not forget their efforts, nor should they.