10 Disturbing Behaviors That Have Become Widespread But Are Beyond Normal
As society evolves, certain behaviors that were once considered unacceptable have gradually become normal. However, it is essential to understand that some actions can lead to unfairness, inequality, and unhappiness for most people.
We could create a healthier and more compassionate society by recognizing and addressing harmful behaviors. Let’s explore some of the more disturbing practices to look out for.
Exploiting Children
It has become common for parents to take advantage of their children for personal gain or use them in ways that may harm their well-being. This behavior goes against the principles of child protection and can have a negative impact on a child’s development.

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For example, without remorse, parents now use their kids for monetized content and video purposes. Unfortunately, many have become desensitized to these behaviors and accepted them as normal.
Working Overtime Without Compensation
Simply put, society has made us believe that we’re not being productive if we’re not constantly working. Now it’s become normal for people to work excessively for long hours, sacrificing their personal time, relationships, and well-being.

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This culture often glorifies the “hustle” and prioritizes work over other aspects of life, which is far from normal. This work-life imbalance and constant pressure to perform can lead to burnout, chronic stress, and a diminished sense of self-worth.
Data Collection
Data collection involves gathering and storing information about people, such as their personal details, online activities, or preferences. Unfortunately, this can be disturbing and harmful.

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For one, it can invade people’s privacy and make them uncomfortable. When data is collected by tech giants like Google, Facebook, etc., and sold to third parties without consent or used in ways that individuals are not aware of, it can breach trust and create a sense of unease.
Compulsory Tipping Culture
Previously, certain workers were only tipped for providing us with a service. Now, it has become a norm for every worker to expect a tip. Plus, instead of paying workers their fair wages, businesses have shifted the responsibility of compensating employees onto customers through tips.

Source: today.com/ Pinterest
This puts pressure on customers to figure out how much to tip. People may also feel obligated to tip even if they can’t afford it, causing them financial stress or guilt.
Kids Beauty Pageants
Honey Boo Boo made child beauty pageants normalized, but many people believe they are not a good thing. These pageants sexualize young girls and make them think their worth is based solely on their appearance.

Source: AnsgarTOdinson/ Twitter
These participants are often subjected to intense grooming, heavy makeup, and revealing outfits that are not age-appropriate. This can lead to the premature exposure of children to adult concepts and expectations. This practice is concerning and needs to stop.
Extreme Poverty
Before, poverty used to be something people didn’t talk about much. It was seen as affecting only the very unlucky. But now, poverty is deemed normal and accepted. Even those who work full-time and earn decent wages can still feel like they’re on the edge of homelessness or financial disaster.

Source: Pexels
Sadly, normalizing poverty can make those experiencing it feel like there’s no way out. It also makes it hard for them to break free and create a better life.
Toxic Hustle Culture
Society has taken the culture of work to an extreme level. Many spend long hours at the office, and even when home, they continue working on side projects or businesses. While there’s nothing wrong with pursuing personal ventures alongside regular work, society has made it seem normal for everyone to hustle the same.

Source: parents.com/ Pinterest
This has created the idea that every moment of our day should be dedicated to making more money or we don’t deserve financial stability.
Saying Yes to Additional Responsibilities at Work
In the past, going to work meant simply doing our assigned tasks. However, now there is an expectation to take on multiple roles within the same hours without any extra pay. Additionally, the idea that employees must constantly prove their dedication to a company is harmful.

Source: parents.com/ Pinterest
It stems from an unhealthy relationship between employees and those who exploit them. So, the belief of constantly going above and beyond to prove ourselves at work should be abandoned.
Unrealistic Entry-Level Experience Jobs
Entry-level jobs used to be for those without experience. It meant you were starting at the beginning and learning as you worked. But now, companies often demand unrealistic years of experience for these so-called entry-level positions.

Source: Pexels
Many believe this is due to poor hiring practices and a lack of training by company leaders. Regardless, it is a disturbing behavior that has now been adopted by hiring companies. Overall, these highlighted behaviors need to be abandoned.