It is difficult to make money online without any prior skills, but it isn’t impossible, so don’t take the wind out of your sails. There are companies online that outsource workers with minimal skills for small jobs. All you need to do is read this article to learn about professions that don’t require any particular skill set and help you know ways to make money online without any skills.
Data Entry Job:
Working as a data entry operator is one of the simplest and easiest jobs you could reckon. To secure the data entry job, all you need to do is have a little know-how of Microsoft Word; the rest is experimentation and on-the-job training.
Rate Per Hour: A Beginner can earn up to $3 to $4. For an intermediate level, the data entry operator’s hourly rate is $10.
Customer Service Assistant:
According to a report named ‘Why Conversation is the Future of Commerce,’ Facebook has received a purchase message from almost 35% of Americans, which implies a dire need for Customer Service Assistants in the market to address customer queries.
Rate Per Hour: A beginner-level job can help you earn up to $6.75.
Be a Translator:
If you are among 20% of Americans who can understand or communicate in a second language, then you have just earned yourself a new possibility and opportunity to get hired. Bilinguals are in demand everywhere, such as a teacher, a transcriber, and even a call-center operator.
Rate Per Hour: You can earn up to $7 per hour as a beginner.
Get Paid to Test New Websites:
Web designers are always looking for focus groups and sometimes individuals who could test their website’s performance and functionality. You get instructions and guidelines on how to navigate through a website. It isn’t a permanent job but can help you earn some extra bucks.
Rate Per Hour: Varied
Online Surveys:
Companies, researchers, and government organizations always need customer feedback to improve the quality of their services. That’s where the online survey forms come into the picture. All you require to do is to fill the form and start earning.
Rate Per Hour: It depends on you. A single survey form would get you $1 to $3, and you can fill up as much as you want and make a dent in your income.
The Bottom line:
In todays’ remote economy, ways to make money online without any skills are no more a hard nut to crack. So, after reading this article, it’s your call to be a customer service assistant or bury yourself in the world of survey forms.