60 Gadgets That Will Make Spring Cleaning So Much Easier
Spring cleaning is an important part of my yearly rituals. There’s just something so lovely about making my space clean and clear and getting it ready for the year ahead. Plus, I tend to let a lot of dust and disorganization collect throughout the year and I like to ignore it (who doesn’t like to ignore their mess hoping it’ll go away?).
If you’re anything like me and you love your yearly spring clean (or even if you hate it!), we’ve got you covered with a huge list of our 60 favorite spring cleaning items. We’ve got cleaning solutions, we’ve got tools, and we’ve got some items that are going to shock and surprise you because they’re the sort of thing you would never have thought of using before!
This Robot Vacuum and Mop Will Do the Work For You

What’s better than a great spring cleaning? A great spring cleaning that’s done for you! This robot vacuum and mop takes the hard work out of the mopping and vacuuming process, which, let’s be honest, is the worst part of cleaning, and leaves you with clean and gorgeous floors!
A DeWalt Vacuum Set That's Got It All

DeWalt doesn’t just make amazing tools, they also make some amazing vacuums, too! This vacuum set has just about everything you could need to get the best and deepest of cleans possible no matter what textile you’re working with, be it hardwood or carpet or maybe even tile!
Clean Everything, Even Your Air

Purify your air with this wonderful, super-strong air purifier. Using an air purifier is the way you can go the extra mile to ensure your home is as clean and clear as possible so you can breathe easy and your hard work cleaning can go that extra mile.
Handle Your Pet Odor Easily With Angry Orange

Angry Orange does the most incredible job of lifting and covering those inevitable pet smells that come with animal ownership. We love our little critters, but we don’t love their smells and their messes. That’s why I keep this Angry Orange on hand at all times. Seriously! I never let myself run out.
Pull Pet Hair Out of Those Hard-to-Reach Places

Pet hair is a pain in the… textile. You can’t avoid it, especially if you’ve got bigger pets that tend to shed all the time. Fortunately, the Chom Chom Roller does a phenomenal job of cleaning up all that fur in moments, so you can spend more time working on important things.
You’ve Got to Have This Heavy-Duty Flashlight

A flashlight is a must-have for any spring cleaning. You never know when you’re going to have to battle the darkness to truly get something cleaned the way you want it. That’s why this Gear Light flashlight is what you need to have so you can properly peer into those darker corners and under beds to get the best clean.
This Bathroom Spray Is the Best

After you finish your deep clean of your bathroom, you’ve got to use this Angry Orange bathroom spray (that’s right, they make a spray for humans!) to keep any scents from lingering. And leave it in there so your friends can use it when they come over. You know, because spray makes everyone feel more comfortable.
Clean Up and Clean Out Your Fridge

Refrigerators can get pretty nasty and messy, pretty quickly and lots of people don’t think about cleaning those out during a spring clean. That’s why you’re going to want to get your hands on these glass storage containers. You can use them to make the most of the space your fridge has to offer so you can enjoy a cleaner, clearer fridge.
Handle Those Annoying Pests

The flying pests don’t have to get you down when you’re enjoying your indoor/outdoor activities and this Katchy bug trapper keeps them to a minimum. While you’re spring cleaning, don’t be afraid to open up your windows and let the air in, because this bug trapper will ensure you only let the air in.
Take Care of the Wooden Surfaces In Your Home

Did you know that it’s super important for you to take extra care of those raw wooden surfaces in your home? Whether it’s a butcher block or a charcuterie board or your favorite wooden cutting board, this mineral oil effectively cleans and shines up those surfaces, protecting them from any future damage.
These Dishcloths Are Amazing

I love these Swedish dishcloths that everyone is always talking about! They’re a great option for wiping down your counters quickly and effectively and they’re biodegradable so you can feel good about your waste. No more paper towels here, cause these dishcloths replace them pretty perfectly!
Boost the Cleaning You’re Doing

If you’re cleaning your spaces, why not ensure that your spaces are as clean as possible? I love using this Bissell and Oxy Clean powerful solution that helps you to boost the work that you’re doing when you steam clean up those dog messes. It helps to ensure their unwanted smells don’t linger.
Clean Up Your Attic and Store Away Your Christmas Tree

When you’re spring cleaning, you might not think about cleaning up your attic, but it’s a place that needs a little more attention! You need to get into that area and increase the space you have available and this awesome Christmas tree storage bag offers you that precious space you need.
A Portable Carpet Cleaner Your Need

This carpet cleaner is the perfect size for bringing with you all over your house, and even over to a friend’s house if they need some help with the spring cleaning. You can pretty quickly clean up any messes and avoid those stains that can truly ruin a carpet or rug or even a bed.
The Ultimate Stain Removing Spray

Kids are pretty messy, and, unfortunately, they’re just as messy during your spring cleaning as they are at any other time. This spray is a quick and easy way to battle the stains that might pop up on your kid’s clothes. Consider it your spring cleaning helper, because we could all use one of those.
A Dry Erase Sponge to Clean Those Tough Messes

There are some messes that just need something extra, and that extra isn’t extra elbow grease. These dry erase sponges are an awesome way to clean and clear your walls from built up mess or from the drawings that your kids enjoy putting all over when you aren’t looking.
Protect Your Furniture From Cat Claws

I love my cats, truly! They’re my sweet, cuddly babies. But what I don’t love is how they’ve damaged at least two pieces of furniture in my house. It’s too late for me to use these bad boys, but you should go ahead and get your hands on these protective screens that will keep your furniture safe and put them on during your spring clean.
This Mr. Clean Spray Is Amazing

There’s nothing quite as awesome as finding sprays and solutions that are really going to get deep into messes and stains to fight back. This Mr. Clean Spray is one of my favorites because it does an amazing job of helping me out while I’m scrubbing hard during my spring cleaning.
Let This Lysol Bowl Cleaner Do the Hard Work

You don’t have to scrub and scrub and scrub some more when you’ve got this Lysol bowl cleaner on your side. What I like to do is go around my house and put this into every toilet bowl before I get started. Then, at the end of the day, I scrub things down and always come away with a sparkling bowl.
The Pink Stuff TikTok Can’t Stop Talking About

If you’re weird like me and you enjoy watching CleanTok videos in your spare time, then you’ve already seen this cleaning solution. It does a terrific job of cleaning and clearing up stains and messes on just about any surface in your house. If so many people adore this solution, how can it be wrong?
This Automatic Lysol Toilet Bowl Cleaner Is the Best

There’s nothing better than a clean toilet, except a clean toilet that you didn’t have to make a huge effort to clean up on your own. This Lysol toilet bowl cleaner just clicks into place and then you’re good to go. Every flush pulls this solution throughout the bowl and keeps the hard work you’ve done looking great for months!
Get Into the Grout With These Brushes

It’s not easy to get the deepest clean possible, especially when you have to deal with things like grout. Fortunately, these grout cleaning brushes do a phenomenal job of keeping those teeny tiny cracks as clean and clear as possible. Plus, they help take the strain off your hard-working hands.
Handle the Dust With This Brush

Everyone’s house gets dusty! It’s nothing to be embarrassed about. But it is something you should handle every time you spring clean. This brush grabs all the dust and grips it tightly so you don’t make a mess when you move the brush from room to room, but you can ensure you’ve got a house free of dust.
Pull Out Messes In Your Sink

If you’ve got lots of hair, you know that your drain usually takes on most of that shed. But it’s not good for your drains which means it’s not good for your plumbing which means it’s not good for your wallet. Which is why you need these 5-in-1 drain snakes so you can manage the drains on your own.
This Rubbermaid Power Scrubber Might Be Your New BFF

I mean it! Grout brushes are great, but they’re limited to how effective they are based on how hard and fast you can scrub. With this power scrubber from Rubbermaid, it does all the hard work for you so you can get in, get out, and get going with all the other cleaning you need to get done.
Did You Know That Your Dryer Vent Needs a Cleaning?

You might not think much about it, but your dryer vents really need to be cleaned out. Clogged dryer vents can lead to all sorts of troubles you don’t want to deal with, but it’s hard to get into that small space. Which is why you need this great dryer vent cleaner that gets into the crevice easily for you.
The Ultimate Toilet Brush

This isn’t your average toilet brush. Mostly because it’s rubber and has all sorts of little bits on the end that help you to really clean and clear the stains in your toilet bowl. And since it’s rubber, the water pours off of it easily and it’s super simple to clean so it’s ready to go for next time.
Why Not Spring Clean Your Car, Too?

Sure, you’re spring cleaning your house, but why not spring clean your car while you’re at it? This amazing cleaning gel is an easy peasy way to get into the vents of your vehicle to get the best clean possible. It pulls up all the dirt and hair that might have collected there for a lovely and clean vent.
TikTok Loves This Mop

CleanTok loves this mop, and it’s easy to see why. It’s simple to spin all the water off of and out of it and it’s amazing at getting into all the nooks and crannies of your floor so you’ve got the cleanest, sparkliest floor possible after the hard work you put in.
Avoid Getting Your Hands Dirty

I love cleaning, but I don’t always love getting my hands dirty, especially because I usually have a manicure. These rubber gloves are an awesome and simple way to keep your digits and hands free from the mess so you can clean without ruining the gorgeous nails you’ve got.
The Great Swiffer Duster

Swiffer dusters are iconic, and that’s because they’re a great way to dust and to trap it so you can dust anywhere in the house without worrying about spreading it all around. Plus, you can use and reuse it with the awesome extra dusting pads they offer.
You Can Never Have Too Many Sponges

There’s never a bad time to add more sponges to the mix, and that’s especially true when you’re spring cleaning. These double-sided scrubbing sponges get srub off and pull up any mess on your counters or your dishes. And they’re great to have on hand for anytime.
Properly Clean Those Baby Bottles

Baby bottles are an absolute pain to clean, and they might be the sorts of thing you’ve got to combat while you’re spring cleaning. This adorable cacti bottle cleaner has everything you need to get deep into the oily build up that can often stick to the sides of those bottles.
Organize With These Wire Baskets

Organization is a huge step in the spring cleaning process and these wire baskets are a terrific way to keep everything you want, right where you want it. I love using them for washcloths and small hand towels, especially, but I think they’d be good for pretty much anything.
Organizational Baskets, But Wood

While you’re out there spring cleaning, you should organize, too, and a great way to organize is with these gorgeous, tiered, wooden baskets. I love using these in my kitchen to create a little more depth in the space and to add a little more storage to my fairly small kitchen area.
Don’t Be Afraid to Put a Label On Things

At least, not on things in your home. These bathroom organizing labels are an awesome way to ensure you’re making the most of the space you have and are also, coincidentally, a super popular item on all of the social media. They’re so aesthetic and fun to use to manage your bathroom.
Grab a Coke and Go

I love watching videos about people organizing their fridges and their pantries and all sorts of things, honestly. Maybe while the spring cleaning bug has bit you, you can lean into it and let the organizing bug bite you, too. Organize your fridge with these bins that let you easily grab your favorite soda.
Keep Your Cords Where You Want Them

While you’re busy cleaning, consider cleaning your office and other places your cords hang out. And consider organizing those cords in a super simple way with these silicone cord holders. You can enjoy a clean and clear desk, which breeds a clean and clear mind, when you use these holders.
You Need This Broom and Dustpan Set

You can’t spring clean without a broom and dustpan! And this broom and dustpan comes as a set that you can snap together and stash out of the way when you’re not using it. Sweep up the mess and then store it all out of sight and out of mind when the spring cleaning is done.
Everyone Loves the Barkeeper’s Friend

This powder does a phenomenal job of cleaning up your stainless steel surfaces. You can use it on your sink around your faucets so you can get the shiniest and cleanest fixtures in any of your friend’s houses. And powder might seem intimidating, but it’s really easy to use!
Did You Know You Need to Clean Your Washing Machine?

I think I was today year’s old when I discovered a TikTok that revealed to me that I should be cleaning my washing machine regularly. Which makes sense, when you think about it, because you wash your dirty clothes in there and it might need a quick little cleaning to keep your clothes as clean as you they should be.
Dawn Power Wash That Powerfully Washes Your Dishes

Dawn makes some of the best soaps and suds out there, but they’ve really upped the game lately with this Dawn Power Wash. It gets into oils and any gross build up that you might need to combat on your dishes. Plus, it smells great, and that’s always a plus!
Scrape Up the Goop and Gunk

It sounds a little weird, but using a razor blade can really help your cleaning process. If you’ve got really strong goop or gunk stuck onto a surface, it might be better to skip the scrubbing and to go straight for the scraping, and this razor blade is designed for just that and comes complete with extra blades!
Get Into the Groove

Whether it’s in your shower or your fridge or your window, there are always those little grooves you can’t quite reach with traditional tools. That’s why this awesome set of groove cleaning brushes was invented – now you can get into the grossness without having to make too much of an effort.
This Holds Sponges and Dispenses Soap at the Same Time

You’ve got to have a sponge holder, there’s just no two ways around it, but you might as well find a multipurpose sponge holder and this one is the best. It pumps your soap right into your sponge while it holds your sponge at the same time. It does it all! Except washes the dishes for you.
This Is the Perfect Lodge Cleaning Tool

Your Lodge pans are precious and they need to be cared for carefully and precisely. This rubber scraper gives you the ability to really get up the food leftovers simply and quickly without damaging the finish on your pricey cast iron that might even be a precious heirloom.
Clear Up Your Desk

Your desk deserves a good spring cleaning, too! This tiny vacuum is the perfect size and shape for you to get all the dirt and dust and anything else that might be on your desk. And it’ll fit right into the drawers of your desk so you can tuck it away when you’re not busy cleaning up.
Silicone Sponges Are Always the Answer

If you’ve got non-stick pans in your home, you’ve got to be sure that you have these silicone sponges on hand. They’re a simple way to handle anything that might be built up on your non-stick without damaging the important covering that keeps it, you know, non-stick.
Spring Clean Your Fruits and Veggies

Did you know that you need to be cleaning your fruits and veggies regularly? Of course, you do! But what you might not know is that there’s a pretty quick and simple way to do that, and that’s with this awesome, automatic cleaner. Maybe add in spring shopping and produce cleaning to your already full spring-cleaning list.
A Scrub Brush That Dispenses Soap For You

There’s always that one dish that needs some extra TLC while you’re cleaning, but you don’t want to have to worry about destroying any finish or color when you do it. That’s why I prefer these heavy-duty scrub brushes over steel wool. And it even dispenses soap for me!
Don’t Let This Angry Mom Scare You

I avoid looking inside my microwave most days, but I try to clean it out at least once a month. And I used to do it by hand (so gross!) until I found this adorable Angry Mom gadget. It fits right into the microwave and quickly steams it up so you can do a simple wipe down for an easy clean.
Make Blinds Dusting Simple and Easy

Dusting blinds is pretty dang tricky, because there are so many different parts you need to take care of and it always moves around and is hard to manage. That’s why you need this awesome blinds dusting gadget that makes quick work of your dusty blinds simply and effectively.
Organize Your Bathroom as You Clean

Your bathroom needs a little extra help, even if you’re already cleaning it up. Try adding a little more organization into the space with this hanging shelf that does a terrific job of keeping everything right where you want it, up and out of the way to maximize your space.
You Need This Jumbo Laundry Basket

I love this jumbo laundry basket! There’s so much room and space in here so I can fit all of my laundry day clothes easily inside. Or stash my spring cleaning rags and cloths inside while I transport them from one room to the laundry room and, eventually, to the washer.
Find a Little More Counter Space

Your counter needs a little more space because everyone’s does, doesn’t it? But a simple way to do that is with these cord holders. You can wrap up your kitchen cords easily and tightly to clear more space for your favorite tools and gadgets and things like, I don’t know, cooking.
This Stacking Rack Is a Great Option

I love this stacking, organizational rack! It keeps all of my (many, many) pans and pots organized so I can make the most of the space in my cabinets and I can keep that terrifying crashing sound from happening every time I open the cabinet.
Properly Organize Your Coffee Pods

Nespresso pods are a pain in the butt, mostly because they take up way too much space and they get in my way. In every other way, they’re tasty and delicious. This drawer keeps everything right where I want it, down and out of the way, and in the perfect spot for my morning coffee prep.
Reevaluate Your Drawer Space

There’s only so much space in your drawers, and the way to make the most of it is using these gorgeous, bamboo drawer dividers. You can make the most of the space you have in your drawers and can properly organize your clothes to make your life as simple and easy as possible.
This Dish Drying Rack Is a Must-Buy

There’s nothing better than adding space to a small area in your home and this dish drying rack is the ideal way to do just that! You can add this to your kitchen to add a little more storage space and keep your kitchen as organized, and your dishes as dry, as possible.
Get Your Cutlery In Order

Your cutlery is probably a disaster, because everyone’s is a disaster, but you don’t have to live like that! This bamboo organizer keeps all of your cutlery right where you want it and tames the mess in your drawers of shame (we all have one, mine just so happens to be a cutlery drawer).