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Feeding America Receives $2 Million Worth of Donations from Michael Jordan

Michael “Air Jordan”, basketball legend and former superstar player of Chicago Bulls, extends help to the hungry and less fortunate amid the COVID-19 pandemic.

Several stars and renowned athletes continue to help out the best way they can as the pandemic continues to cause a global health catastrophe. Among these big-hearted big-shots is none other than Michael Jordan, a former professional basketball player.

He donated $2 Million to Feeding America; a relief effort focused on helping resolve hunger in the US. The donation came from the proceeds he received from the recently released, The Last Dance, a documentary about the Chicago Bulls. The proceeds were sent to Feeding America’s food banks based in the Carolinas in Chicago.

The former star player stressed the importance of helping out, especially while the world continues to battle a life-threatening crisis. COVID-19 continues to hit hard in the US. As of writing, America has now recorded a staggering 14,535,196 total number cases, 5,690,940 of which are active cases. The statistics are showing an alarming discovery: Around 119 Americans are found to test positive for the coronavirus every minute.

Access to a decent food supply significantly decreases serious health risks.

According to Feeding America, Michael Jordan’s donation could save thousands of lives. One of the most harrowing aftermaths of the ongoing pandemic is the people’s hampered supply and access to basic needs such as food and water. Since people are discouraged from leaving their homes to curb the virus’s spread, it has not been easy for the less fortunate to secure enough food to feed their families.


From the onset of the coronavirus health emergency, Feeding America has allocated over 4 billion meals to dozens of households and individuals nationwide. They are continuously coordinating with 60,000 food partners, 200 food banks, and kind-hearted donors like MJ to ensure that everyone gets the sustenance they need to stay healthy and immune.

Their COVID-19 Response Fund is dedicated to assisting members of the society who are most at risk of contracting the deadly virus. Aside from their relief efforts during the pandemic, they are also keeping their doors open for daily and monthly donations. They are also accepting volunteers for sorting, packing, and delivering boxes of food. At present, the charitable food assistance network has kick-started online-based volunteering for people who wish to extend their help while staying safe at home.

Michael Jordan states he is incredibly grateful for both the success of the show and the opportunity to contribute and help fellow citizens and neighboring countries starving and struggling to survive. The NBA superstar also has extended help to initiatives designed to fight racism and inequality. On May 25, 2020, the world was shocked by the brutal death of an African-American man named George Floyd at the hands of police officer Derek Chauvin. His death has sparked a nationwide protest and outcry against racism.
You can learn more about their relief efforts here for those who want to send their donations or volunteer at Feeding America.


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