Elon Musk’s Sister Claims She Gets Overcharged Because Her Brother is the Richest Man in the World

By: Carissa | Last updated: Oct 24, 2023

Having “Musk” as a last name doesn’t come cheap. Just ask Elon’s younger sister, Tosca. According to her, she is frequently overcharged because people assume her brother pays for everything.

With an estimated net worth of almost $248 billion, he is the richest man in the world—but that doesn’t mean he’s responsible for paying his sister’s bills. Tosca insists that Elon’s enormous wealth doesn’t help her financially, it only hinders her.

Being Elon’s Sister Isn’t All It’s Cracked Up to Be

In a recent interview, Tosca Musk revealed the unexpected downside to being Elon Musk’s little sister.


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Tosca, an esteemed entrepreneur herself, discussed the perils of having an affluent last name that everybody associates with overflowing wealth. Tosca, who founded the streaming service, Passionflix, shed light on a specific instance that illustrated how frustrating it can be to share Elon’s DNA.


Getting Overcharged Once People Learn Her Last Name

According to Tosca, she was initially charged $5,000 per day when she was trying to scout locations for her businesses.


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Once somebody recognized her last name and her association with Elon, the price astronomically inflated to $25,000 per day. People assume that Tosca has an endless stream of wealth because of her relation to Elon, but that is simply not the case. Frustrated by her situation, she stated that these baseless assumptions are not accurate.

Tosca Insists Elon Doesn’t Pay For Everything

Having an extremely wealthy brother leads people to believe that he pays for everything, but that does not happen for Tosca.


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Elon’s wealth belongs to him alone, and while sharing with his sister would be a generous gesture, she is capable of paying her own expenses. “The location was going to cost $5,000 a day. But when they heard my name and assumed we were rich, they decided to charge us $25,000,” she said.

The Public Tends to Makes Assumptions About Her

As Tosca continued to vent about being rich by association, she said, “Everyone assumes my eldest brother pays for everything, but he does not.”


Source: toscamusk/Instagram

When the interviewer asked if Elon uses his position of power to support his family members, Tosca had trouble conjuring up a proper response. She knew that no matter what her answer was, people would have a problem with it.

Mums the Word for Tosca

The position Tosca is in is complex, to say the least. If she reveals that Elon financially supports her, she will get pushback for not providing for herself.

Source: toscamusk/Instagram

If she says that he doesn’t help her financially, Elon will appear selfish and greedy. “Well, it’s a double-edged sword for me to say whether my brother has helped in any way. If I say no, then people will say he does not support me at all, and if I say yes, they’ll think he paid for everything,” she admitted.


Hoping Her Brother Appreciates Her Work

While Tosca remained silent on whether or not she enjoys her older brother’s billions, she did say that she hopes he takes an interest in her work.

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As a renowned businessman and her older brother, Elon’s stamp of approval would mean a lot to Tosca. “I hope he watches the films. They are definitely an education service for men on how to behave with women,” she said.


The Musk Siblings Had a Relatively Normal Upbringing

Despite being rich beyond his wildest dreams, Elon and his younger siblings, Tosca and Kimbal, did not grow up with money.

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Growing up in South Africa, Elon and his family came from relatively humble beginnings. His mother, Maye, was a model, and his father, Errol, wore many different hats including “electromechanical engineer, pilot, sailor, consultant, and property developer.” After his mother divorced his father, she worked five jobs to provide for her children.


Elon Didn’t Become Rich Until He Was 27

Elon didn’t start amassing his fortune until the age of 27, when he sold his company, Zip2, to Compaq for $307 million.

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The multi-million dollar sale of his company left Elon with $22 million going directly to him. From there, he used his money to invest in other businesses. He eventually co-founded the well-known online payment platform PayPal, and has steadily transformed his millions into billions ever since.


Having To Earn Their Wealth

Elon currently owns X (formally Twitter), Tesla, and SpaceX. Despite raking in more money than he knows what to do with, Tosca doesn’t rely solely on her brother’s money to get by.

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She believes that it’s common for people to have misconceptions about her upbringing or her overall wealth, and many people have just assumed she grew up with a silver spoon because of her last name.


Tosca Credits Her Mom For Her Work Ethic

Hard work and determination certainly run deep through the Musk bloodline. Tosca credits her mother for showing her how to work hard and be independent.

Source: John Phillips/Getty Images

Maye Musk didn’t depend on anyone to survive, and she took a giant leap of faith by leaving her abusive marriage in favor of a better life for herself and her children. Juggling jobs was something that Maye did well, and someday, her kids will be able to provide for her in ways she never could have imagined.


Musk’s Siblings Are All Successful

The entire Musk family has achieved incredible success. Elon is a household name with billions of dollars in his bank account, but Tosca and Kimbal are also prestigious in their own right.

Source: Jon Kopaloff/Getty Images

Kimbal is a chef and restaurateur who focuses on healthy food to combat America’s growing obesity problem. He has a personal net worth of around $700 million, while Tosca also has millions to her name.
