Girl Gets Streaks In Her Hair, Dad’s Reaction Is Severe
Birthdays are a big deal (for most people especially) since they only happen once a year. That’s why every parent tries to make their child’s day special. Kids from divorced households might get away with two celebrations.
Kelsey Frederick happened to belong to this special club, but luckily her parents never had a problem planning her special day. Unfortunately, this was about to change in a big way.
The Big Teenage Dream
For her thirteenth birthday, Kelsey’s parents wanted to make the occasion special by throwing a big party each. This was a normal arrangement in this family, but this time, Kelsey was super excited since both parents had big plans for the day.

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Kelsey was entering her teenage years, so this was a big occasion that deserved as much pomp and glam as they could muster.
A Special Gift For a Special Moment
To mark the big occasion, Kelsey’s mom decided to put some highlights into her daughter’s hair. It was a growing trend in Kelsey’s school, so it wasn’t a surprise the young lady wanted to give it a spin.

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Kelsey made her way to the salon, and once she was done, she headed off to her father’s home. Unbeknownst to her, this trip was going to change her life forever.
Everyone Gets Ample Time With Kelsey
Every divorced family has its special rules (and in Kelsey’s case), both parents got to spend an equal amount of time with the lass. The young girl would alternate visitations between both households over the weekends.

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The visits were equally fun as Kelsey spent time on the baseball pitches with her dad and younger siblings. Additionally, the support of her cousins and siblings made the whole affair easy to manage.
A New Partner Enters the Mix
We’ve all heard about the stepparent from hell, right? In this case, Kelsey’s dad married someone shortly after the divorce. But luckily, the woman didn’t interfere with the ongoing relationship and arrangement Kelsey’s dad had with her mom.

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It was a good system that worked, and no one had any qualms. The parents were on good terms, and Kelsey happily enjoyed the best of both worlds.
She Was Cut From a Different Cloth
Unlike most girls her age, Kelsey didn’t like pink or sparkly gifts. This made it difficult for her mom to help her pick out a gift. That is when the lady enlisted Kelsey’s friends to come up with the perfect gift.

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The young girl was turning 13 – a major milestone for most kids. Kelsey was anxiously waiting for the day she’d officially join the teenage club.
A Difficult Choice to Make
For her thirteenth birthday, Kelsey informed her mom that she wanted highlights in her hair. It was an expected request considering most girls in her school were rocking the hairstyle.

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Mom wasn’t confident with the request as she was worried her daughter wasn’t confident about her looks. She didn’t want to say any outright, but at the same time, she was worried about Kelsey.
It Had Been a Long Time Coming
After careful consideration, Kelsey’s mom soon realized her daughter had always been interested in getting blonde highlights in her hair. Christin finally decided she was okay with her daughter changing up her hairdo for her birthday.

Source: Reddit
To ensure the young lady got the best treatment possible, Christin took Kelsey to her salon. That way, she was sure the lass would be in safe hands.
She Got a Birthday Discount
Since Christin was a regular customer, the management at the salon decided to give Kelsey a discount allowing her to get a manicure. Immediately, she looked at the finished product, and Kelsey was convinced she had made the right decision.

Source: Wikipedia
Christin could not believe her eyes as her daughter looked stunning. The blonde highlights worked wonders, and they suited the soon-to-be teen.
There’s More in the Bag
Christin wasn’t done with Kelsey yet. The woman had big plans for her daughter’s special day, and hair and nails were not enough. Christin gave Kelsey a total makeover, including a professional makeup job.

Source: pinterest
By the time everything was done, Kelsey was a new being. She looked great and felt great. Christin was happy with the finished product, and everything seemed to work out so far.
They Took a Selfie to Show Off
Once everything was done, Kelsey decided to take a selfie to showcase her new look online. She was excited to show her family and friends her new look, and her mom was excited to hear what other people had to say.

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The girls were sure people would be as delighted as them since the hair and makeup team had done their best. Sadly, one family member had some interesting opinions about the makeover.
She Thought Her Father Would Love Her New Look
Kelsey was ecstatic as she wanted to show her dad her new look. The man had always been supportive of her activities, so this was not going to be any different. The proud girl made her way to her dad’s for the weekend in high spirits.

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Normally, Kelsey wouldn’t contact her mom when she was with her dad, but this time something was off. She woke up on Saturday morning with an ominous feeling.
There’s a Visitor at Her Doorstep
Not one to be superstitious, Christin pushed her feelings aside and chose to go on with her day. If anything was wrong, Kelsey or her dad would contact her immediately.

Source: Chris J Ratcliffe/Getty Images
This confidence didn’t last long because she heard her doorbell ring, and as soon as she answered it, Christin’s heart sank. Someone was standing at her doorstep, and she couldn’t believe who it was.
Her Daughter Had Undergone Another Makeover
Kelsey was standing in front of Christin, but she was barely recognizable with her puffy face. The young girl had been crying all night long. Christin had to get to the bottom of the matter.

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Before she could ask Kelsey what had happened, she noticed her daughter was missing her beautiful highlights. Additionally, someone had taken out her hair altogether, making Christin wonder if her daughter had had a change of heart at her dad’s place.
Kelsey Had Undergone a Chop Off
Unlike her previous look, Kelsey’s hair was now the victim of a chop-off. She barely had any hair left, and even the cut had hardly any styling. It was a pretty gruesome affair – considering just an afternoon before – she had some beautiful blonde highlights.

Source: Reddit
It was a rough transition and a poor way to start her teenage years. So, Christin was upset, too.
Kelsey Was Embarrassed by Her New Look
After showing off to her online friends and family, it was easy to understand why Kelsey was upset with her new look. She was no longer confident in herself; this pained her mother so much that she decided to find out what happened to her daughter.

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Christin tried her best to get Kelsey to open up about what happened, but the young girl wasn’t forthcoming.
Time to Pull Up
Seeing that her daughter wasn’t ready to open up, Christin decided to head over to her ex’s house to find out what happened. By the time she got there, Christin was livid, and she just wanted an explanation.

Source: Reddit
Kelsey’s father and stepmother told Christin they disliked the girl’s new look as it was too mature for her age. That’s why they decided to punish Kelsey.
Actions Always Have Consequences
Instead of arguing with the couple, Christin decided to head over to the police since the decision to chop off the young girl’s hair had been done without consulting her. Her daughter’s birthday present had been ruined, and the culprits were not remorseful.

Source: Robert Alexander/Getty Images
Any parent would have a fit in such a situation; Christin was upset. She wanted justice for Kelsey and knew just how to get it.
Looking for an Outlet
Christin was upset that her daughter’s birthday weekend had been ruined. There was nothing she could do to salvage the situation. Instead of wallowing in her misery, the mom shared her ordeal with the online community.

Source: Imgur
The woman detailed everything that had transpired, hoping to get some retribution or at least let off some steam. A few words of encouragement from the online community would come in handy.
Court of Online Opinion
As soon as people caught wind of the post, it went viral. Christin was just hoping for some feedback from friends and family, but things seemed to have taken a different turn.

Source: Youtube
The post garnered more than 2,400 shares, and there was a consensus. Most of the comments were just as angry as Christin, and everyone condemned the atrocity that Kelsey had dealt with.
There Was More Support Than Expected
Many people were so moved by the post they chose to show their support in one way or another. As much as everything sounded handy and dandy on the online front, the attention was quite overwhelming to Kelsey.

Source: Twitter
The middle schooler was still reeling from losing her hair, and all these strangers giving her attention were not exactly welcome. It was too much to handle, but she needed to deal with it.
Life Goes On
While Kelsey navigated her newfound fame and loss of her hair, her father’s family was not in any way affected. These folks believed they were in the right and had no remorse for their actions.

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If they had read some of the comments online Kelsey’s dad and his wife might have realized the grave mistake they had made. Maybe they would even have changed the trajectory of the whole situation.
Good Hair Is a Confidence Boost
One of the online comments came from a hair stylist who insisted that good hair makes someone feel good. Kelsey’s father had messed up big time; it wasn’t surprising the young girl was embarrassed about the whole affair.

Source: Youtube
Interestingly, not everyone was on Kelsey’s side, as some people tried to find a reason for her father’s actions. As absurd as that might seem, they did have a point.
They Understood the Outrage, Not the Action
The small group of people believed that Kelsey’s father wasn’t aware of the makeover, so it was understandable if he got upset. That said, they didn’t buy into his method of handling the situation.

Source: Reddit
Cutting off Kelsey’s hair was crude and unjust. Who would want to put their daughter through the pain of embarrassment and frustration like that? So, in a way, they still supported the outrage most people had.
Getting Help for Her Daughter
Capitalizing on her daughter’s newfound fame, Christin set up a GoFundMe page to help her get some hair treatment. It was a long shot, but they hoped things would go their way.

Source: Youtube
If they could get a sizable donation, Kelsey’s hair trouble would be behind her in no time. Then, she could have her beautiful blonde highlights back on like she wanted.
Followers Got Regular Updates
Ensuring that most of her fans were in the loop, Christin set up a page to detail every step they took. On the other hand, Kelsey’s life had gotten back on track. She had gotten over the hiccup, continuing to live life with her short hair.

Source: Reddit
It was nice to see she was looking ahead and hoping for the best. The embarrassment was not enough to put her down.
The Goose Comes Home to Roost
While Kelsey’s life was moving in a positive trajectory, Schaffen and his wife were getting a taste of their own medicine. Kelsey’s situation had gotten to their higher-ups in the fire department, and they decided to suspend them.

Source: Scott Olson/Getty Images
The Middletown Township Fire Department was upset about the whole affair and didn’t want to associate themselves with the couple. However, this was just the beginning.
It Never Rains It Pours
The bad karma didn’t stop there as Schaffen was about to get another major blow in his family. An investigation was carried out, and authorities decided Kelsey was better placed with her mom.

Source: Spencer Weiner-Pool/Getty Images
That is how Christin got full custody of her daughter, much to Kelsey’s delight. It was a big moment for the duo since, after everything they had been through, a win was needed.
The Father-Daughter Bond Breaks
Unfortunately, this new development meant Kelsey’s relationship with her dad was in the pits. She was elated to live with her mom, and there was a high chance she wouldn’t be interacting with her father anytime soon.

Source: Christin Johnson/ Facebook
That’s a pretty sad state of affairs but the writing was on the wall as soon as Schaffen decided to cut her daughter’s beautiful hair.
More Wins for the Family
The good news kept pouring in for Kelsey, and it wasn’t long before the GoFundMe account was a success. As soon as her hair grew back, she’d be making her way to the salon to get her highlights once again.

Source: Youtube
Meanwhile, Kelsey has grown accustomed to using wigs and is grateful to the online community for all the love and support they showed her.