Clear Examples of Why These People Wished They Had No Neighbors
Although you have quite a bit of choice over where you choose to live, you have almost no choice over who you live next to. Sometimes, it works out perfectly and you become besties with your neighbor. Other times, it works out reasonably well and neither you nor your neighbor disturbs each other.
Other times it fails miserably. You end up living next to a nightmare of a neighbor. Maybe they’re too loud, too messy, or too unskilled at parking (see the text above). Whatever the specifics are, you and your neighbor don’t get along too well. Let’s take a look at 15 times this unfortunate situation happened.
Wifi Is Down
Nobody likes dealing with a few days of no wifi. For some, it’s because they work online and wifi is required. For others, it’s because all their entertainment is online and wifi is required. Whatever the reason, whenever wifi is down, it’s helpful to neighbors with wifi.

Well, sometimes it’s helpful. Unfortunately, the person above was hoping to mooch off his neighbor only to find his neighbor had been mooching off him! Looks like they both might have to drink beer without wifi for a while.
No Big Deal
One of the great pains of living so close to other people is that some other people are terrible drivers. Or, more specifically, terrible parkers. They like to pretend that they’re the only ones around and they end up blocking a road so others can’t get out.

As you can see from the above text, these neighbors weren’t exactly friends. When the one moving out blocked the driveway, the one living there had the car towed. Looks like it was a big deal – and an expensive deal.
Missing the Point
Sometimes people are on entirely different wavelengths. One person’s idea of what’s weird or troubling is entirely different from another person’s idea. An example of that is the odd little conversation below.

One neighbor used a hidden key to go into another neighbor’s house, grab some milk, and head back out. They didn’t think it was creepy – all they did was get some milk, right? Clearly, the neighbor didn’t care about the milk. They cared about strangers breaking into their apartment so easily.
Trashy Neighbor
Trash day means you have to collect all your assorted pieces of garbage and haul them out the street for the garbage truck to come on by. It takes a little bit of trust to keep your trash can out by the curb. You’re assuming that neighbors won’t take it.

Well, this person clearly doesn’t have that little bit of trust. Whether it’s justified or not, we can’t comment. However, unless it’s a gold-plated trash can, it does seem odd that someone would brave a thunderstorm just for a drenched piece of plastic.
We’ve All Been There
We’ve all been in situations where you really are not in the mood to talk to somebody. Sometimes, it’s because that person has way too much energy to deal with when it’s 6 am and you haven’t had coffee. Other times, it’s because you hate small talk.

Whatever the reason, people try to figure out ways of getting out of an unwanted chat. The person above pretended to not see the neighbor. The neighbor called them out on it, leading to an unwanted text – awkward, but better than a chat, perhaps.
Fighting Neighbors
A benefit of living in an apartment is that you can make friends with your neighbors. Well, in theory, you can. In reality, that rarely happens because most people are either away at work or at home with their partners. Sometimes, yelling at their partners.

If your apartment has paper-thin walls, then that means your neighbors hear your fights. Most find it annoying, but this neighbor found it entertaining. So much so, that they made a kind of faux-movie night out of it with plenty of popcorn and laughter.
Raccoon Cat
Now, not all of us can be Steve Irwin identifying every animal on the planet. However, nearly everyone knows the basics – dog, cat, fish, bird, etc. “Nearly” is the key word in that sentence because the neighbor below is unfamiliar with this new type of “cat.”

Namely, a raccoon cat. Although it’s cute, we don’t imagine it would be a very good pet to have. Despite that, the neighbor still asked, “Do you know whose it is?” We hate to be the bearer of bad news, but no one owns the raccoon.
Lost Cat
This next one is a bit odd. It seems that people have different ideas about what they own. For example, one neighbor – the neighbor who bought, raised, and housed the cat – thought that the cat was theirs. However, Erin in 4a seems to think the cat is hers because … she’s been feeding it.

Turns out the feeding is a bit extra. The cat probably loves it, but the cat’s owners – aka not Erin in 4A – aren’t too happy with the extra weight gain. We wonder what the police said.
Smelly Neighbors
Although it may be comfortable to admit, everyone farts from time to time. The noise is one thing, but the real killer (metaphorically speaking) is the smell that comes from all the poorly digested food. The neighbor below was worried about the noise.

Dave Next Door wasn’t too worried about the noise. His main concern was the smell. He wanted to know his range – a little disgusting, but understandable. Unless Dave Next Door is causing an unpleasant odor, there’s really nothing to do about an uncomfortably sound from time to time.
Car Alarm
Car alarms are the worst. They’re deliberately made annoying so that people run outside to see if their car is in danger. The problem, however, is that sometimes an alarm gets set off accidentally – when there’s no danger. If the person isn’t nearby, this results in piercing sounds filling the air for far too long.

People nearby have to deal with it – and they get angry. Understandably, they want someone to turn it off. Meghan texted her neighbor to turn off her car alarm. The only problem is … it wasn’t her alarm.
Loud Caller
Texting is the new talking it seems, so when people talk on the phone it can take others by surprise. Especially when they talk super loud. Chelsea was so taken aback by the loud talking of her neighbor that she sent over a text. It didn’t go too well.

Although the neighbor has a point that it is her apartment, Chelsea also has a point that she doesn’t need to hear her neighbor’s phone calls all the time. Should the neighbor try to speak softer? Or should Chelsea wear earbuds?
A Small Favor
“Hey, can you do me a quick favor?” can mean a lot of different things to a lot of different people. When a neighbor sends you a text like that, it usually means watching over a pet for a little while or checking to see if there’s any mail. For the neighbors below, however, it means something very different.

It means pretending to be a couple. Why would someone want to do this? Well, to prevent their mom from pressuring them into marrying their cousin, of course. Duh.
Justified Advice?
This one is a bit similar to the “popcorn and laughter” text above. A couple is yelling at each other (again) in the apartment next door, and a neighbor texted to ask about it. Well, not so much to ask about it as to tell the neighbor what to do – break up.

Woah, that seems to be stepping over the line. However, if a couple is arguing so loudly every single day so that the entire 4th floor hears, then it’s probably a sign that things aren’t going to work out well.