Animals That Could Be the Largest of Their Respective Species
From big pets to large wild animals, it’s always fascinating to see just how large different animal species can get. Perhaps you have a giant, fluffy critter of your own at home. Or perhaps you’re curious to learn more about the sheer size of other large species in comparison to human beings.
Let’s take a look at how some of the largest animals out there compare in size. You may be surprised to learn just how massive certain animal species can become.
Werewolves are Real and They Make Great Pets
It would appear that the werewolf isn’t a myth, but a reality. Sure, this guy isn’t running around on two legs and attacking anyone, but it’s hard to believe that this isn’t the creature of legend. Between his size, wolf-like features, and gray and brown fur, he could be out of a horror movie.

Source: Reddit
Luckily, he’s a friendly werewolf, or more accurately part dog part wolf, who loves its owner. A hybrid animal, this blend of husky, German Shepherd, and wolf got a second chance at life upon being adopted from a shelter.
The Belgian Draft Horse Towers Over Its Peers
A lot of people think about the iconic Clydesdale as the world’s largest horse, but the Belgian Draft is comparable at 17 hands apiece. For its part, the Belgian Draft also the record holder for the tallest and largest individual horses in the world.

Source: Free Range American
Belgian Draft Horses are so big that you would be surprised if you were told they weren’t a horse at all, but their own species altogether. As it stands, though, they’re just one of the best work horses in the world.
Blending In With Other Normal Sized Cows
A cow’s spots are generally used to confuse the horseflies from landing on them, but as a standard form of camouflage from predators, they’re not the best. They really don’t help you hide, however, when you’re not only one with spots but by far the largest of your peers in the area.

Source: ABC
Is it any wonder that all the other cows seem to clear a path for our spotted friend? Of course not. They’re smart enough to avoid being trampled.
A Big and Playful Elephant Seal
Elephant seals are some of the chubbiest ocean animals. All that fat is intended to keep them warm while they swim through freezing water. In Japan’s Enoshima Aquarium, visitors used to routinely fall under the spell of Minazo, the elephant seal.

Source: Reddit
The massive seal loved playing with his trainers and impressing guests at the zoo. Unfortunately, he is no longer with the zoo as he died of natural causes. Curious about Japan’s largest seal? You can still watch videos of him online.
Where is the Line Between Pet Cat and Killer Cat?
Anyone who has spent any amount of time around a pet cat knows that the only reason they don’t kill everyone in their path is the difference in size between you and them. So, when a cat grows to be absolutely enormous, there has to be a fair bit of trust between you and them.

Source: heart radio
Simply put, this isn’t a house cat. It’s a big cat that could be thought of as closer to a lynx or bobcat than any pet.
Enjoy Swimming With Sunfish
If you’ve ever seen sunfish as babies, you would be surprised to learn that they can grow to around 2,200 pounds. The photo below illustrates the incredible transformation of this sea creature.

From being so tiny you can barely see them, these creatures expand to a truly monumental size. The sunfish is one of the largest fish species on the planet. They may look intimidating, but these gentle giants are not aggressive. You can safely enjoy snorkeling with these swimming buddies – just don’t forget to take a selfie!
Not a Frog, But a Monster Toad
Do toads like to hang out on the couch the same way a dog does, or find a spot of lap the way cats do? Well, this one does at least, and he’s about the size of a dog anyway. This is a full-blown toad, different from a frog in a few key ways, most notably the sturdy center of weight that they bring.

Source: New Scientist
But, hey, at least he looks angry when he holds your hand. Right? That doesn’t sound like a good thing to be completely honest.
Not Your Typical Lap Dog
Everyone knows that dogs don’t have a sense of personal space, especially when they want to spend time with their human. So, it doesn’t matter if they’re a big breed or a small breed, dogs will jump up and sit on your lap if you let them.

Source: Youtube
It’s just that some dogs are big, even for their large breed. The average German Shepherd might be over 24 inches tall and 80lbs in weight, but plenty grow bigger. Those bigger ones still want to sit on your lap, potentially crushing you.
This Is How You Know It's Time to Move
Finding a reason to move can sometimes be difficult, even if you are looking for one. However, the second you have a dragon climbing into your home it has to be time to move out and leave whatever is inside behind.

Source: Wikipedia
In defense of this monitor lizard, what is it supposed to do? Not climb the fence when you left foot holds right there for it? Hopefully, the lizard enjoys the house. It’s his now, and nothing is going to change that.
Hand For Size
Salamanders are creatures typically found in creeks, brooks, and wetlands. They come in bright colors like green and red, and most of them are small enough to fit in a human’s hand. The Chinese salamander this man is carrying is the biggest on the planet.

Source: Salamander
This slimy critter emanates a pepper-like smell and makes screeching cries like a kid. They are critically endangered, so it’s essential for them to be protected. This could be the reason why this giant salamander likes to be cuddled like a baby!
Forget Texas-Everything is Bigger in Australia
Native to Australia, the wombat is a marsupial, which puts it in a different category than rodents, but in the same grouping as a kangaroo. Normally, wombats live around 15 years and reach between 50 and 70lbs.

Source: Imgur
This guy broke all of those wombat rules, living to be 32 years old. He was also much larger than any other wombat that you were likely to find, reaching 88lbs. His name was Patrick, and unfortunately, he passed away in 2017.
A Queen Ant
Say hello to this queen leaf-cutter ant, which was seen outside of her colony and close to a few of the male worker ants. A lot of people don’t understand the tremendous contrast in sizes between the female queen ants and the ordinary male ants.

Source: Wagner
This queen ant may appear mutated to some, but she is perfectly normal. For reasons unknown, she has chosen to join the male ants outside of the anthill. If you see a queen ant, don’t panic. She may be massive, but her bite isn’t poisonous.
Is This The Biggest Manta Ray Ever Caught?
Manta rays are arguably pretty ocean animals that cruise along the sandy reefs under the water. In the past, people didn’t comprehend the need to safeguard the ocean and save its animals. The huge manta ray in the image was reportedly caught and measured by the captain in the picture. Is it real, though?

Source: Snopes
The story goes that Captain A.L. Khan did in fact catch a large manta ray in 1933 in New Jersey. It was said to weigh around 5,000 pounds and measure 20 feet in width. As for the photo above, this is a taxidermy version of the catch.
Now, That's a Lot of Escargots
Ok, so no one is going to be eating one of these snails, but that’s probably just because they think it’s going to burst out of someone’s chest. It’s simply unimaginable to see one of these snails sliding past you because they’re just so out of the ordinary for what people normally expect when they think of a snail.

The reason these snails grow to be so big is that they never stop growing the way that mammals do once they reach maturity.
A Bold Trick-or-Treating Squirrel
Why is it that only people get to have fun on Halloween? This squirrel can’t give you a great answer why, so she decided to go trick-or-treating herself. She did so by overeating and going through all of this house’s jack o lanterns. After all, it was pumpkin spice season.

The truth is this is a shockingly bold move, but it’s not surprising given the bold nature of squirrels. Leave foot on the porch, and they’ll probably go ahead and eat them.
A Good Boy Who Doubles as a Horse
Dogs are incredible for the wide variety of colors, personalities, and of course sizes that different dog breeds come in. Bullmastiffs are among the largest of those dog breeds, standing at two and a half feet tall and up to 130lbs.

Yes, Bullmastiffs are massive dogs, but they’re also a gentle giant. Incredibly kind, loyal, and loving, it’s well worth putting up with a bit of drool to have one of these dogs in your family. Just beware of them breaking the scale.
Watch Out For The Wandering Coconut Crab
Yes, this sized crab actually exists and is definitely nightmare-inducing. Coconut crabs are the largest crabs and largest terrestrial arthropods on earth. While they would be frightening to stumble upon attached to your garbage bin or inside your bathroom, these creatures are relatively harmless.

Coconut crabs are omnivores and thus mainly eat things like coconuts, fruits, and nuts. However, they also eat organic objects like tortoise hatchlings. These giant crabs are mainly found on islands around the Indian Ocean.
That's a Big Cozy Kitty
Cats come in a wide range of sizes, but it’s safe to say that this cat’s size is a bit shocking. That doesn’t seem to bother the cat though, who is smiling, eyes closed, in its comfy sweater. That’s the good life that we all strive for, which this cat is living.

So, yeah. Mr. Whiskers is on the huskier side, but that doesn’t bother them. They’re just as cozy as ever, enjoying life to the fullest at all times.
This Croc Enjoys Showing Off
The wilderness of Australia will not disappoint people who are looking for thrilling adventures. You can expect to see crocodiles if you head up north. These powerful creatures appear prehistoric, and they have all the power and might of their dinosaur buddies.

The crocodile in this photo is popular because he was spotted fighting with a shark, which ended up taking one of his limbs. He survived the wild battle and now shows off for island guests. If you look closely, you can see that the croc’s right arm is missing.
Horns Way Up, Until They Curl Back Down
Animals have horns for a ton of different reasons. There are times when they’re used as a weapon or tool. Sometimes, they’re used to attract a mate. Horns also look incredibly heavy, but oftentimes that’s not the case, as honeycomb and hallow horns are common.

Unfortunately, poaching and overhunting of horned animals are incredibly common. They’re seen as a trophy, with the larger the horns being more impressive to collectors. It’s a cruel act that has led to the endangering and even the extinction of species around the globe.
It Turns Out Pigs Can Be an Issue Everywhere
This isn’t the fun loving Pumba that we all know and love. This is a goliath of a warthog who is about to break into the trash for food. This is a pig who doesn’t skip leg day at the gym, or arms, chest, and back day for that matter.

Is trash all that nutritional that it leads to this type of strength, or did this warthog just end up on the lucky end of the genetic pool?
Don't Worry Fred, Diets Don't Work for Any of Us
Outside the odd Simpsons mobster named “Fat Tony,” it’s hard not to feel bad for anyone who gets known as fat for a nickname. After all, Fat Fred is at least trying to diet. Why do we have to bring up his weight all the time?

Luckily, Fat Fred is a good cat who enjoys the little things in life, like getting scratched and hanging out in a lawn chair. Besides, it’s not like diets work for anyone else, anyway.
Little Big-Sis of a Malamute
Just take a quick look at his paws, and you’ll know whether a puppy is going to be a big or small dog. In the case of this puppy, he might be dealing with his big sister standing over him for now, but that won’t be the case for very long.

That’s because this puppy with large paws is a Malamute. Malamutes are a sled dog that predates the modern classification of dog breeds while reaching about two feet tall and 90lbs. If you count fluff, they’re even bigger.
The Bats That Only Eat Fruit
While bats are really astounding animals, fruit bats may very well be the coolest. Aside from being big, these bats have remarkably human-like bodies, which makes them a little eerie to look at. As their name suggests, they prefer to eat fruit.

These bats are mostly vegans, preferring sweet and juicy fruit over anything else. You must still be cautious around these cool creatures, though. They can convey infectious diseases like Lyssavirus that can lead to encephalitis and other problems for humans.
This Giant Anaconda At A Construction Site
Allegedly, Brazilian construction workers came across this anaconda while in the process of building a dam. In February of 2016, the construction team was setting off explosives to make room for the Belo Monte Dam when they uncovered this 33-foot snake, weighing 880 pounds!

Alexandre Flores/ YouTube
Alexandre Flores uploaded a video of the discovery on YouTube which later went viral. The video shows the remarkable anaconda chained to a crane then lifted away. It then goes on to show a close-up video of just how long the snake was. We certainly wouldn’t want to be anywhere near this giant thing!
The Easter Bunny Can Sit On Your Lap Too
When the Easter Bunny comes to the mall, typically children sit on his lap. Ok, sure that’s actually a guy in the suit, but when Peter Rabbit plumps up to this massive size you can’t expect him to be hopping so fast.

Truly, this is the only rabbit that most people would ever pick against in a race against a tortoise. Well, this rabbit probably goes slow and steady, so maybe everything will be alright.
Another Day, Another Monster Bear
Let’s be honest, there can’t be a more perfectly designed land animal in the world than this particular bear. He looks like he could put up elite NFL combine numbers on the bench press. Hopefully, he doesn’t have an NFL caliber vertical leap too because he’d be right out of the enclosure if he were able to.

It’s easy to wonder about how animals in captivity spend their time. Apparently, the answer is that they just work out all day.
Giant Alligator Spotted in Florida
Florida of course is known for its gator and crocodile population as its marshy, swamp-like regions are the perfect location for these creatures. Here we see an image of a gator around 12 to 15 feet long spotted at the Circle B Bar Reserve in Polk County. This massive gator has been given a variety of different nicknames from “Mr. Humpback” to “Godzilla.”

Mary Wells Frates (Facebook)
While such a sighting is wild to see, it also is imperative to stay at a safe distance from alligators to avoid any incident. The people seen in the back of this photo appear to be incredibly shocked by the massive creature they happened to stumble upon on their walk, and we can’t blame them.
Don't Mess With This Dad
As a breed, the Pitbull has struggled due to a negative reputation as a violent dog. That isn’t entirely fair, as a properly trained Pitbull is one of the best family pets that you can have. It’s just that they’re so strong and commonly improperly trained that many people shy away from them.

It doesn’t help with how intimidating this Pitbull is with his pups, as he shows off his muscles. However, that doesn’t make him a bad pet, just a big and strong one.
A Happy Hippopotamus
By now, you’ve probably heard that the deadliest animal in Africa is the hippopotamus. Though lions certainly seem scarier, hippos are powerful creatures. They love to float around, and luckily humans aren’t on their menu. However, if they sense an impending threat, they will attack.

The jaws of a hippo can smash and grind almost anything. There are reports of these creatures attacking people and killing them. The kid in the photo seems unfazed by the giant hippo behind him. Thank goodness for the glass!