Student Tricks Teacher To Go Outside For An Unexpected Surprise
For 15 years, Mr. Gonzales has been a trusted substitute teacher at Minden High in Nevada. But when his students tricked him into going outside one day, he was greeted with an unforgettable surprise!
After all these years of helping young minds grow and flourish, the educator found himself on the receiving end of a heartwarming show of appreciation from his pupils – one that will stay with him forever.
Unleashing the Potential of Substitute Teachers
The substitute teaching role is one of the most difficult in education. Unfortunately, it has been given a bad reputation for years due to students taking advantage of the stand-in teacher. Despite this, there’s still great potential to be unlocked!

With creativity and dedication from both teachers and students alike, this vital role could become much more than just thankless work – it could be an opportunity to learn something new every day! After all, substitute teachers make sure that progress doesn’t stop even if regular faculty are away!
Show Some Respect - A Plea to Appreciate Substitute Teachers
Substitute teachers often get a bad rap. They are perceived as unprepared, unqualified and incapable of delivering meaningful instruction in the classroom. But recently some brave souls have taken a stand for these unsung heroes of education.

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One such person is Randy Jurado Ertll, who wrote an impassioned blog post back in 2014 about how substitute teachers should be treated with more respect, as they are just as important for creating an effective learning environment as any full-time teacher. With his own experience teaching, Ertll’s plea resonated even louder!
A Tribute to Substitute Teachers
Substitute teachers work tirelessly and courageously. Taking on the role of a teacher in an unfamiliar and new environment, they have to battle unruly students who might be screaming at them or even throwing objects, ultimately showing very little respect.

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Despite this, Ertll wrote for the Huffington Post article in 2014 that these hardworking individuals deserve our respect and appreciation. He wrote, “Let me tell you, it takes courage and commitment to be a substitute teacher”. Let us recognize their commitment and thank them for stepping up when needed!
The Difficulties of Being a Substitute Teacher
Ertll explains that sometimes substitute teachers even face the challenge of being assaulted by a student – and it’s not easy. But substitute teaching requires special skills to overcome these difficulties! As Ertll remarked, “It is no piece of cake”.

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Nonetheless, with patience and resilience, subs can learn how to manage difficult classroom situations while providing students with meaningful learning experiences. It takes dedication and creativity but those who possess this unique skill set are sometimes left unappreciated.
Becoming a Substitute Teacher - It's no Easy Feat!
Navigating the public school system isn’t easy, and it takes years of hard work and experience to become an expert in classroom management and teaching. Its not only about being able to manage the students but also being able to teach anything from math classes to physical education, substitute teachers have to be ready for anything.

Ertll wrote, “You have to be an expert in most subject fields… It can be an unpredictable job but substitute teachers become nimble, efficient and effective in navigating various public school bureaucracies.”
The Unexpected Downsides of Being a Substitute Teacher in America
Substitute teaching can be an unpredictable job in many ways – you never know what to expect when walking into the classroom. But as Professor Ertll uncovered, there is one downside that no teacher would want to face – financial insecurity!

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Despite facing all sorts of challenges on a daily basis, substitute teachers are not receiving the same benefits or pay as their full-time counterparts. It’s time for this imbalance to be addressed and give these hardworking professionals the recognition they deserve!
Unfair Treatment Continues
Substitute teachers have been receiving unfair treatment for far too long. Not only to they have to manage a classroom full of students unwilling to cooperate, potentially a daily change of subject matter, but they also receive a fraction of what regular teachers are paid!

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Ertll continued by explaining that the majority of the time substitute teachers are not rewarded the same benefits as regular teachers, including things like – union representation or retirement plans, this is truly a cruel and unfair injustice!
Stand Up For Substitute Teachers – The Call for Equal Pay!
It’s time to stand up and fight for what is right – substitute teachers across the United States are finally coming together in an effort to ensure that their pay is equal to that of full-time staff. This, according to Ertll, has been a long overdue realization, one which must be met with due consideration and respect.

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As per the newspaper columnist’s passionate plea on behalf of these subs – it cannot be denied that they are essential members of any educational system who should not only receive fair compensation but also recognition for their tireless efforts.
Respect and Appreciate Our Substitute Teachers
Let us come together to recognize the hard work of our substitute teachers. Despite being faced with difficult situations, they never fail to show up and do their best for our children.

Every day, these brave individuals are demonstrating what it takes to be a true professional – resilience and determination! Let’s demonstrate that we value their contribution by treating them fairly and showing respect. Ertll concluded that this is necessary if we want to create an environment where everyone can thrive!
15 Years and Counting - The Experienced Mr Gonzales
A beacon of hope amid a sea of despair – Mr Gonzales is an experienced, veteran substitute teacher who has been navigating Minden High School in Minden, Nevada for more than fifteen years! Finding the courage and positivity to take on this sometimes tiresome role.

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Despite Ertll’s rather bleak assessment of the challenges that substitute teachers face nowadays, this resilient sub has managed to brave all odds and stay afloat. His long-term commitment and ability to overcome the difficulties associated with this profession is truly inspiring.
40 Years of Education at Minden High School
Minden High School has been an educational pillar in the Douglas County School District for more than four decades, providing quality education to generations of students. After moving its location several times throughout its history, it settled near Highway 88 in 1975.

The school had only recently undergone renovations, with a new building being added to the grounds in 2014. Its long-standing presence is a testament to how dedicated this school community is towards giving students an enriching learning experience!
A Heartwarming Show of Appreciation for a School Fixture
At Minden High, Mr Gonzales has been an integral part of the school for many years. To show their gratitude to him, in 2015, his students came up with a unique and special way to express it! So they decided to put together something special.

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They established an elaborate plan as a heartfelt gesture of appreciation towards Mr Gonzales’ hard work and dedication over the years. In what was truly going to be an incredible moment that proved just how much he was appreciated by those who knew him best – his own students!
Veteran Teacher Surprised with Unexpected Gift of Positivity!
The students had a surprise up their sleeves for the veteran substitute teacher, Mr Gonzales – they decided not to go at it alone and collaborated with Dude. be nice, an intriguing clothing brand that pushes messages of positivity through ambitious video projects.

With their power combined to actualise this kind gesture, they sought to show how much they appreciated and respected their beloved teacher’s dedication throughout the years, while also influencing some positive messages to the rest of the community.
Dude. be nice - A Brand Born of Experience
Dude. be nice is an inspiring brand that was born out of years of experience in the corporate world by its founder Brent Camalich, who has previously worked for companies like Clear Channel, T-Mobile and Lunchbox.

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Established back in August 2014, the company based out of Whittier, California seeks to create meaningful video projects with a purposeful mission behind them. Through his creative works, Brent aims to promote positivity and kindness while encouraging people to push their boundaries as they strive towards achieving their goals.
Brent’s Journey of Reinvention
Brent continued to share his heartfelt journey, he explained the moment he decided journalism wasn’t for him was when “Our news director walked into the newsroom, as excited as a kid about to eat his first slice of cake and asked, ‘What do we got today guys? Car crash? Anybody die?’”.

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That’s when it hit him – this wasn’t what he wanted out of life. So, after years in journalism, Brent embarked on a journey of reinvention that led him to where he is today! Through hard work and dedication, his dream is now becoming reality.
Let's Create Positive Stories Together!
Brent went on to explain that “We were hoping and searching for tragedy to ensure the best ratings,” he continued. “I asked myself, ‘Do I want to live to tell these types of stories, or live to tell encouraging ones?’.

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The Dude. Be Nice Project, committed to working with young people, is all about creating positive stories and sharing them across social media! We are determined not just to report the tragedies in life but also share inspiring tales that can truly uplift us.
Unlock the Power of Positivity
Founder of The Dude. Be Nice, Brent, spoke about the recent studies from universities that have shown one key to being happy is seeking out opportunities that make other people smile. This is exactly what our company is founded upon!

He found that through positivity he could shape his projects in an impactful way and make a real difference in people’s lives. We are all able to tap into this power and start bringing joy to everyone around us, including ourselves!
Get High on the 'Helper's High’!
Feel the joy of giving back by participating in The Dude. Be Nice Project! As a way to get young people involved, this platform encourages them to experience the ‘helper’s high’ and be part of something larger than themselves – making recipients feel appreciated.

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However, during their work with students from Minden High School, showing appreciation was at the forefront as they worked together for a greater cause, to show their deep appreciation and gratitude for their incredible teacher – Mr Gonzales
Celebrating a Substitute Teacher - Mr Gonzales' Surprise!
It was April 2015, and Camalich, from Dude. Be Nice arrived at Minden high school with an exciting mission – to capture a very special surprise for the student’s beloved substitute teacher, Mr Gonzales!

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The video began with two senior students of his; they shared why this extraordinary educator deserved to be recognized and celebrated for his incredible contribution to both the school and each of his student’s lives, they also spoke about his routine. ‘
The Legendary Mr Gonzales - A Beloved Teacher and Role Model
Emily’s eyes light up with admiration as she gushes about her beloved teacher, Mr Gonzales. “He is just awesome,” Emily exclaims to the camera. Despite having retired 15-plus years ago, this amazing man chooses to spend each day with his students as a substitute in class almost five days a week!

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We cut to an awe-inspiring shot of him actively teaching and engaging all his pupils on the topic at hand. His dedication and passion for imparting knowledge have made him a living legend among his students – truly setting himself apart from other teachers!
Uncovering the Surprise - Dude. Be Nice with Mr Gonzales
Mr. Gonzales was in for a surprise when Camalich, founder of Dude. Be Nice and his team arrived at school! To keep their mission under wraps, they told him that they were there to teach students how to conduct interviews – an ingenious cover story.

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This creative ploy allowed them to discretely secure an interview with the wonderful substitute teacher himself! Stay tuned as we uncover the surprise from the students, Camalich and his crew!
A Veteran Teacher Who Truly Cares
Mr. Gonzales is a veteran teacher whose students mean the world to him – and he wants them to know it! Unbeknownst to him while doing a ‘mock interview; he expressed to Dude. Be Nice Founder that “I’m like their grandfather, or great-grandfather,”.

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Mr. Gonzales continues to tell Camalich. “My wife says I do a lot of talking, but I want to let them know how terrific they are and that’s it!” The admiration goes both ways too; another senior student shares her insights into this special teacher who truly cares about his pupils.
A Teacher Who Cares!
Meet Mr. Gonzales, the teacher who goes above and beyond for his students! According to student Ross, “you only have to meet him once and he’ll connect with you on a personal level”. He truly cares about each of his students as human beings – more focused on their well-being than just teaching in the classroom.

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Ross continues by saying “He’ll treat you as a human being that he cares about. And oftentimes his focus in the classroom is more on how you’re doing, and I just really appreciate that.” It’s no wonder why so many students appreciate him; we all need someone like Mr. Gonzales in our corner!
Appreciating Genuine Goodness - Showing Gratitude to Mr. Gonzales
The video then depicts Camalich from Dude. Be Nice, standing with a classroom full Minden High School students, praising their decision to recognize the hard work and selfless efforts of their substitute teacher – Mr. Gonzales.

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“We want to find genuinely good human beings,” says Camalich, emphasizing that it is important to show appreciation when someone doesn’t even ask for it. He further adds that this act can make a world of difference in somebody’s life and also serve as an example for others!
A Heart-Warming Moment of Appreciation: "We Love You, Mr Gonzales"
The student body at Camalich showed their immense appreciation for one of their beloved teachers recently! The founder of the brand captured this heart-warming moment on video as they gathered around a sign that reads “We Love You, Mr. Gonzales”

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Camilich expressed how special what their doing is, he was visibly touched by their kind gesture and said, “what you guys are doing for him is extremely special”! A beautiful reminder small acts of kindness can make someone’s day brighter.
A Heartwarming Centrepiece
The students had big plans up their sleeves. As the video started to reveal them, Emily stepped forward with a bowl full of marbles – something that would later serve as a heartwarming surprise!

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The class had worked together to create something special that would show just how much they appreciated their teacher. Every marble would soon come to represent something that sometimes even words can’t describe.
Let's Celebrate the Life of Mr Gonzales!
Let’s celebrate an amazing human – that of the beloved Minden High teacher, Mr. Gonzales! To honour him, Emily explained the student’s plan to give out special marbles- each one representing how this wonderful man has positively impacted all of them in some way or another.

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As students come forward to drop their marble into a jar filled with different colours, they were to take a moment to remember everything he taught them during his time here. Together, they’ll show him just how much they appreciate having him in their lives.
A Patriotic Teacher and His Students!
Mr Gonzales is a true patriot – his students can vouch for that! Emily proudly explains the significance of the colours of the marbles “We have the marbles in red, white and blue,” she continues. “Because Mr Gonzales is super patriotic.”

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Camalich also recalls when speaking to Mr Gonzales that he confirmed his love for the U.S, claiming he is “a fanatical American”, no doubt one that is truly loved by those around him.
Camalich and Students Unite!
Emily recalled that yesterday she witnessed an inspiring moment at Minden High School. Mr Gonzales led his class in reciting the pledge of allegiance with pride – a sight that moved her deeply.

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The video then cuts away from Emily’s recollection to show Camalich, surrounded by students, proudly displaying and holding their signs. They are all preparing for the next scene to come, in this thoughtful and touching film project, made especially for Mr Gonzales, to display their love and appreciation of him.
The Phenomenal Mr Gonzales - Everyone's Favorite Substitute!
The video shows the students aren’t able to stop raving about their beloved substitute teacher, Mr Gonzales! A small group of students continue to shower him with praise and one girl, in particular, declares that he is “THE substitute” at their school.

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As if this wasn’t enough proof of his popularity among the student body, the video also now shows the signs hailing him all around the campus! Another senior student joins in on the hype and shares her thoughts on the phenomenal educator.
Mr Gonzales is the Sub Who Cares!
The video continues with a shot of Katie, a senior student, who testifies to the caring nature of beloved substitute teacher, Mr Gonzales, saying that “no matter who you are,” he will remember your name even six years later!

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Mr Gonzales had his own message for the school’s student body – a testament to how much he cares about them and their education. Footage captured during his ‘mock interview’ with Camalich.
Unveiling the Special Gift of Each Student
As Mr. Gonzales said, “Their smiles give them away.” The students don’t even realize how amazing they are! He wholeheartedly believes that every single student has a unique and special talent to offer the world.

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After those words echo through this heartwarming video, the scene cuts to a shot of Camalich, walking down the hallway, revealing to Mr. Gonzales that something incredible special is awaiting him.
Unconditional Love and Selflessness of a Veteran Teacher
As the veteran teacher, Mr. Gonzales, steps outside he is met with hugs and handshakes from everyone present, Emily takes to the mic with enthusiasm. “We had an amazing opportunity to interview Mr. Gonzales,”

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She goes on to say “We already knew he was super-wonderful, but it really brought to light his selflessness and his unconditional love for the people around him” Everyone around listened intently as Emily continued praising their beloved teacher.
Doing It Together!
It was a special day at the school as everyone gathered together to show their appreciation for Mr. Gonzales, the substitute teacher. As students dropped marbles into the jar, they waved and greeted him warmly.

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After that a group performed an inspiring rendition of the national anthem – it was clear that this moment meant something special to them all. To top it off, the video ended with one last message from Mr. Gonzales; “If you want any change in this world, you gotta do it, and that’s all there is to it.” A powerful reminder from the beloved teacher.
Student’s Heartwarming Surprise Goes Viral
In April 2015, the incredibly heartwarming video was uploaded on the Dude. Be Nice YouTube channel, which shared the execution of this touching surprise for substitute teacher Mr Gonzales from his students to the whole world.

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This post gained an overwhelming response, with close to 800,000 views and over 12,000 likes! Furthermore, it sparked 350 comments praising Mr Gonzalez’s work as a sub and the endearing actions of his students.
An Inspiring Tale of Mr Gonzales
Mr Gonzales’ story has certainly won the hearts of many viewers across the web, as it stands just behind two other videos in terms of popularity on Dude. Be Nice Youtube Channel.

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This is a true testament to both Mr Gonzales and his high school, which makes this inspiring tale even more touching! Out of the 48 posts on this amazing platform, his story stands out among them all and resonates deeply with everyone who watches it.
Celebrate the Deserving with Dude. Be Nice Project
Celebrate those who do good in your community! Join Camalich and the Dude. Be Nice Project as they continue to recognize special people through its uplifting videos. As recently as October 2018, inspiring stories of kindness were shared that bring joy to many viewers across the world.

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Each video has its unique message of appreciation, as Camalich continues to vouch for sharing love and appreciation with the world in order to make the world a better place, one act of kindness at a time.
Randy Jurado Ertll's Wish Comes True - Mr Gonzales Honoured After 15 Years of Hard Work
After fifteen years of hard work, Mr Gonzales finally received the appreciation and respect he deserved in 2015. Just as Randy Jurado Ertll wished it would be for substitute teachers!

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As Ertll said at the end of his Huffington Post blog post – “That’s an important lesson for our students to learn”. Indeed, hard work does pay off eventually; this is a valuable teaching that all can learn from – show appreciation and be kind!